Jonathan Wardwell was born and raised in Holt, MI, and has been living in Holt all of his life. A graduate of 2018 from Holt Public Schools, Jonathan is currently studying photography at LCC and plans to get an Associate’s Degree in photography. In art, he uses photography to create stories and a way to change people's perspective on things; give them a new angle to look at that not everyone sees or notices. He is always looking for new ways of adding new elements in his work by thinking creatively in his street photography.
His conceptual photographs create dim, dark and gloomy photographs. He aims to use images to please the eyes as well as question emotions to create an inspiring reaction. He likes to do portraits on the side as a hobby of people, friends, family, and etc. But, his main focus is that of street and nature. He tries to draw the audience in on trying to interpret what their eyes see in his photos and show that not everyone may see the same thing. That is why Jonathan created the tagline or phrase “change your story” in his photography.